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Find more information about the process of this project here: Documentation HSLU



In this project, my team and I created our own design agency to improve hygiene in an existing facility. We received a client brief which indicated that we should focus on our classroom at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. We did research on what hygiene means in general, how it is related to our health and the environment. Additionally, we monitored the behaviour of students; did quantitative and qualitative research; held interviews with the cleaning staff and students, and conducted surveys.


After writing a concept brief and conducting meetings with our client, we focused on the key takeaways. These led us to our final concept proposal: The Cleaning Box. The box contains selected cleaning agents and equipment to ensure everyday hygiene. It solves the following problems:


• Students can clean their rooms themselves.


• The cleaning equipment can not get stolen.


• The cleaning staff can concentrate more on other rooms (toilets, cafeteria, etc.) instead of spending so much time cleaning up after students.

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